Gamera vs Viras Movie Review

Also known as Destroy all Planets, Gamera vs Viras shows that as early as the 4th movie of the original 8 film Gamera series, they were already running out of ideas. Seemingly taking several pages from the Godzilla film Destroy all Monsters plotwise, what the budget didn't allow the producers to fill in they simply made up for with liberal (blog

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Phantasm IV Movie Review

Think that "oblIVion" is a little cheesey of a name for the 4th project in a franchise? They were kicking around the idea of "Phantasm Phorever." Either way, the movie's about Mike running from the Tall Man, and Reggie trying to save mike. You know, like Phantasm 3, except without them spending nearly as much time together, or the interesting loc

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Army of Darkness Movie Review

You really can't talk about Evil Dead without someone bringing up Army of Darkness. That makes sense, as it is part of the series but it was named so differently to differentiate itself from the previous entries. Though I suppose it could have got away with calling itself "The Evil Deadites" (blog post) and it would have been just as different. A

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